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Entrepreneurs Across Borders and Mona Entrepreneurial and Commercialization Centre Launch Agri-Preneurship Program

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Entrepreneurs Across Borders, Inc. (EAB) announced on Thursday it recently awarded a $22,500 matching grant to the Mona Entrepreneurial and Commercialization Centre (MECC) at the University of the West Indies (UWI). The capacity building grant is in response to an award from the Development Bank of Jamaica’s Boosting Innovation, Growth, and Entrepreneurship Ecosystems (BIGEE) program and is in support of The MECC EAB Agricultural Project, a new program designed to cultivate entrepreneurship in Jamaica’s agricultural sector. 

MECC and EAB have assembled a team of educators and community leaders who will mentor a cohort of entrepreneurs with established plans to launch agricultural initiatives. The program will help to incubate these initiatives over the course of an eight-month cycle.

“Entrepreneurship is the sole economic driver that can reliably transform an entire community. Why? Because entrepreneurs, by nature, solve problems. EAB focuses on identifying, curating, and connecting entrepreneurs in developing nations with those from more traditional markets, like the US,” shared Chris Cochran, Executive Director of Entrepreneurs Across Borders. “Our team is excited to see the global impact of innovations that can come from entrepreneurs in the Caribbean when those entrepreneurs have the right support.”

A final cohort of 10-15 Jamaican entrepreneurs will be selected for the program, based on a business skills and needs assessment.

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