
EAB’s Global Impact Entrepreneurs Network is an invitation-only fellowship of highly successful entrepreneurs who are committed to working together to give back with not only their network but a slice of their time in support of the mission of Entrepreneurs Across Borders.

Membership in this exclusive network guarantees access to like-minded individuals supporting impact investing, and an expansion of your network. GEIN is a genuine community who gives first without expecting anything in retu

How It Works

A Community of Entrepreneurs Giving Back

  • Identify

    Entrepreneurs in emerging economies who are already changing their community.

    Seasoned entrepreneurs who want to give first and make a difference by giving access to their network for emerging entrepreneurs in developing nations.

  • Curate

    We curate a custom experience that gives seasoned entrepreneurs the ability to give back and open their network in a manner that is both time efficient and as friction-less as possible.

  • Connect

    We connect seasoned entrepreneurs with emerging entrepreneurs in developing nations. Through trusted referrals in the seasoned entrepreneur's network, emerging entrepreneurs in developing countries get a jump start in the life of their startups by giving them connections that may take years or decades on their own.

Our Goals

  • Access

    GEIN is a community of successful entrepreneurs who “give first” not just to emerging entrepreneurs but also to each other.

  • Genuine Relationships

    Transactional networks are a drag, but GEIN is a community of real people, who are genuine, want to give back, and generous with their time and talents.

  • Economic Uplift

    Who knew that your network and business contacts could change the world for an emerging entrepreneur in a developing nation. Help jumpstart entrepreneurs by giving a slice of your time in a time efficient manner to impact a nation’s economy.

Time Efficient, Impact Driven

We understand that successful entrepreneurs are opportunity rich and must spend their time wisely. It was with that in mind that GEIN was born. A community of seasoned entrepreneurs who want to give back and invest their time in the most efficient and impactful way possible.

chris cochran

Chris Cochran

Executive Director

Contact Us

Please contact us with any questions you may have.