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Global Entrepreneurs Impact Network

Your global entrepreneurship network can change nations.

Speakers Together

Scalable Economic Change


Our Global Impact network uses tried and true startup methodology to provide pathways to success to entrepreneurs in underserved communities.

  • A bottom-up approach, not top-down - Identifying, curating, and connecting underserved founders to our networks and wisdom
  • Market forces and feedback create nimble solutions
  • Entrepreneurs impacting entrepreneurs

Additional Info

When successful entrepreneurs build companies, they start with a problem that is begging to be solved. They build an MVP and then they unleash market forces and feedback used to iterate until they have a winning solution. This model has proven to be effective for startups. Now, Entrepreneurs Across Borders is injecting these same principles into a new movement: EAB’s Global Impact Network (GIN).

Top down, rigid approaches to the kinds of issues experienced in underdeveloped communities often result in underwhelming engagement or limited effectiveness. Both public and private sector operations have tried this top0-down approach with little to point to by way of making a lasting difference. Institutionalized approaches to economic development are often lacking because they are missing a key component for change at the individual level: community.